

5 Red Square, Moscow, Russia

Feel free to stroll around using the Google street view and grab any picture you choose to include in your post.

To enjoy stories inspired by the What Pegman Saw prompt or to submit your own 150-word story, visit the inLinkz button:

get the InLinkz code

For guidelines and rules for the What Pegman Saw weekly writing prompt, visit the home page.

Can you believe it’s been six weeks since we started Pegman prompts? A really big thank you to the growing community of talented writers who have shared their stories for Pegman. I’m delighted, enchanted, shocked and awed by the tales that are shared here each week. If you haven’t yet shared a story, please consider joining us this week!

If you have a location idea for Pegman, please suggest it here. If you have a problem with the form, can you let me know in the comments below?

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