Santo Tomás, España

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Today Pegman goes to the sunny coast of Spain to take a break from winter. Your goal is to kick off your winter boots and stroll around until you find something inspiring, then write up to 150 words about it. When you’re satisfied, click the frog and share your work with us.
Do your best, and have a great time!

inlinkz frog


About J Hardy Carroll

J Hardy Carroll is a novelist and comics artist currently residing in one of those soundalike states that starts and ends with a vowel .
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4 Responses to Santo Tomás, España

  1. Pingback: Not If, When – J HARDY CARROLL

  2. Pingback: What Pegman Saw: Pegged – Word Shamble

  3. Ah, this looks like such a beauteous place! 🙂 Here’s what it told me …

    Golden End


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: The Lie of the Light | Tales from Eneana

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