Taunoa, French Polynesia

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Today Pegman flees the plague-infested lands for a tropical paradise thousands of sea-miles from any continent, Taunoa, French Polynesia. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to wander about this beautiful place and find something that inspires you to write 150 words. When you get it where you’re satisfied, post the link to share. Remember that reading and commenting on the other stories is part of the charm.

Have fun, and do your best.


inlinkz frog

About J Hardy Carroll

J Hardy Carroll is a novelist and comics artist currently residing in one of those soundalike states that starts and ends with a vowel .
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5 Responses to Taunoa, French Polynesia

  1. Pingback: Sky Swimmer | Tales from Eneana

  2. Pingback: Father Arnaud – J HARDY CARROLL

  3. Lynn Love says:

    I was caught up with work over the weekend, Josh. But I’ll be with you on this tomorrow

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lynn Love says:

    Reblogged this on Word Shamble and commented:
    I’m rather late to this week’s Pegman party, but we still have until Saturday before the new prompt lands so if you’d like you join me this afternoon in exploring beautiful French Polynesia, jump on in. My efforts will be along shortly.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: What Pegman Saw: Folly – Word Shamble

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