St. Louis


Today Pegman walks through a St. Louis neighborhood.

Feel free to stroll around the area using the Google street view and grab any picture you choose to include in your post.

To enjoy stories inspired by the What Pegman Saw prompt or to submit your own 150-word story, visit the inLinkz button:

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For guidelines and rules for the What Pegman Saw weekly writing prompt, visit the home page.

Today’s Pegman location was submitted by the amazing Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, host of the popular Friday Fictioneers weekly photo prompt.

If you have a location idea for Pegman, please suggest it here.

About J Hardy Carroll

J Hardy Carroll is a novelist and comics artist currently residing in one of those soundalike states that starts and ends with a vowel .
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7 Responses to St. Louis

  1. Amazing? Moi? I suppose I’m duty-bound to write something for this prompt. 😉



    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Malarky’s | J HARDY CARROLL

  3. Pingback: The Old Neighborhood | Powered by Robots

  4. Pingback: neelwrites/fiction/shortstory/whatpegmansaw/150words/06/03/2017 | neelwritesblog

  5. Pingback: What pegman saw : Out on a dogleg road – Word Shamble

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